Friday, November 9, 2007

What a Great Day in the Park

Saturday, September 29 in Bert Ferguson Park, the Memphis Guardian Angel Pet Rescue annual Wet Nose 5K run and dog walk took place.

Guardian Angel Pet Rescue is a non-profit organization started in 2001.

They are volunteer group dedicated to rescuing animals from helpless situations. They have rescued over 4000 animals to date. Memphis Guardian Angel Pet Rescue has a variety of volunteer opportunities- everything from dog walking to fostering an animal. Really a great group of people making a difference in the world.

A Dog's Life Memphis was fortunate enough to be able to be able to both volunteer and take part in the event. The morning started with a 5K run. Wanting to do my part for the festivities, I worked at the runner registration table. It is always motivating to see people up earlier than need be on a Saturday. Following the run, the dog rescue-reunion took place. People who rescued dogs from a helpless situation where reunited with the animals. These dogs have come a long way from the discarded state in which they were found. The often tearful reunion was a great event to be able to witness.

At 9:00 started the one mile dog walk followed by the introductory obedience class. The dog walk was lead by a nine year old girl who decided that for her birthday she wanted her friends to bring presents for the dogs and not for her. She donated all the dog presents to Guardian Angels. It was amazing to see a nine year old who is so generous. Quite a few dogs took part in the walk. Pools were stationed along the route in case the dogs needed to cool off. There was even a bone prize at the finish line for the dogs. Reilly was lucky enough take part in the dog walk with by Sara. Hannah and her 8 lb Shi tzu named Lucy also took part in the dog walk. I think overall the dogs ate more treats than children on Halloween.

The day closed out with a dog costume contest. The dogs were sporting every costume from cow boys, to sports fans, and tinker bell. I even saw one dog that was magenta in honor of breast cancer awareness. Don't worry, the dye was dog friendly. Apparently there is a salon line out for dogs. The overall costume winner was Dog Marley. Dog Marley, Bob's companion, wore dread locks and a colorful hat.

Saturday really was a great day in the park!

To learn more about Guardian Angel, visit their website.

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